
This module creates a grid for building purposes. No more need to switch between a grid background image and final BG image to make sure everything is aligned correctly. You can change the fore- and background colors to what you want using ARGB values. Note: This module works up to SE 1.3, version 1.4 drops… Continue reading RH-Hatch

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RH-Fixed Values

Three fixed value modules. – Types: Bool, Float and Integer. Downloads

Categorized as GUI, Modules Tagged


Three subcontrol Meter modules. – Types: Bool, Float and Integer – Transparancy available thru setting Alphachannel to 0. – Additional GDI+ options: fontsize, fontstyle, padding and antialias. – Precision in the float version means the number of digits behind the comma sign. Available Fontstyles: 0 = FontStyleRegular 1 = FontStyleBold 2 = FontStyleItalic 3 =… Continue reading RH-Meters

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RH-Text-Append, Capitals and Substr

Subcontrol text modules for some handy string operations. Update 25-5-2018: – RH-Text-Append: text output works bi-directionally now, it sends the changed value back to text input one. – RH-Text-Append combines text strings. – RH-Text-Capitals makes capitals of the input string. – RH-Text-Substr sends a part of a string, defined by the Offset&Length pins, to the… Continue reading RH-Text-Append, Capitals and Substr

RH-7segment & RH-Int2Digits

To make 7 segment displays i’ve created two modules to do this: RH-Int2Digits splits integer values ( up to 9.999.999 ) to 9 seperate outputs. RH-7segment outputs 7 floats ( 0 or 1 ) to connect to subcontrol image modules. Link to information Downloads

RH Logic Gate modules

Bool&Integer logic gate modules: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR Use for basic binary math. Note: Included in the zip files are also reverse versions. Update(10-7-2015): – Added NOT gate for Integer ( bidirectional ). – Changed the Category in SE a bit for all logic gate modules. Links to information: – HowStuffWorks: Boolean –… Continue reading RH Logic Gate modules

RH Math Modules

Dsp and Subcontrol math functions modules. – Faster approximations (link) used in the DSP version. – Subcontrol version was converted from SDK2, added a few functions. – Functions: Sin, Cos, Tan, Tanh, Exp, Log. Update 12-7-2015: Subcontrol bug choice not saved fixed. Update 8-1-2013: DSP version created, removed approximations from subcontrol module. Download    … Continue reading RH Math Modules

RH Rescale

Subcontrol rescale module Update 1-6-2018: – A newer version is available, the old one is buggy so don’t use it. – Made possible by Andrew ( TD modules ), thanks a lot! – It’s not included in my pack. Am planning to rewrite all mods using the latest build of the SDK and making a… Continue reading RH Rescale

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RH 3Ddistance & Cart2Polar

DSP & Subcontrol Cartesian 2 Polar, and subcontrol 3D distance SDK3 modules. Reference: polar-cartesian-coordinates – RH-Cart2Polar has a selection pin to choose between 180/-180 and 0/360 degrees. – Converted from SDK2, RH-3Ddistance was RH-2D_3D_distance ( removed choice option, use Cart2Polar for X + Y ). – Both subcontrol modules combined into one SEM to save… Continue reading RH 3Ddistance & Cart2Polar

RH Volts2dB

Subcontrol Voltage 2 dB conversion module. – Bidirectional, changes to either side update the other. – Converted from SDK2. Download

Categorized as GUI, Modules Tagged